March, Let Patience Bloom Into Flowers for me…
Mar 05, 2020
March, let patience bloom into flowers for me. Let magic brew from my stillness, and let stillness find me when the waves become too intense. Throw away the keys to any old doors so I may resist the temptation to open what doesn’t belong to me anymore. Color my intentions.
Billy Chapata
I read these beautiful words written by Billy Chapata, a Zimbabwean writer, author and creative based in Atlanta. I was introduced to Billy’s phenomenal poetry by my good friend, Mika Joi, Creator of The Truth Moment Podcast and Founder of Pazediv (Positive) Society.
At the beginning of each month, Billy writes a poem (or what Mika calls a prayer) to the month. On Monday I read his words to March and they spoke so deeply to me. I’ve written a few times recently about the season I’m currently in (read more here and here) and his words were yet again confirmation.
And as if that wasn’t enough, I hopped on Pazediv Society’s Good Soil Ministry call which happens every Monday morning and the topic of the call was Billy’s prayer for the month. I listened as others shared how the poem resonated with them. I spoke about how it touched me as well. Again, confirmation that these growing pains are necessary. That old doors need to be kept closed. That healing and forward progress, no matter how ugly it looked or scary it seemed, was required.
This pruning season is real ya’ll. Patience is something that I struggle with. But that’s exactly what this season requires. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Likewise, I know that the purpose of pruning is to improve the quality of roses not to hurt the bush. The quality improvement of the roses doesn’t happen the day the bush is pruned. It takes time.
What I have also learned is that the vinedresser (God) is never nearer the branches than when he is pruning them. So although this season has been painful in many ways, God is ever present caring so lovingly for this flower that he wants to bloom into her destined beauty. That thought carries me through the tough days.
I share this because I know someone else is going through a pruning season as well. You are not alone. Let’s keep pressing forward toward who God is growing us to be. And repeat together,
March let patience bloom into flowers for me…
p.s. If you are interested in joining the super dope Good Soil Ministry Call where positive seeds are being planted in good soil (trust me, it will bless your life), here’s the info:
Monday mornings at 7:30am (EST)
Dial-in: (425)436-6200
Access code: 203402
p.p.s. Here’s what’s in season for the month of March – add some yumminess to your grocery cart!
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